A young man in a jean jacket and shoulder bag smiles on a navy blue background

Advance Here with a Bachelor's Degree

Your bachelor's degree is within reach at TCC.



Applications for all Bachelor 项目 opened February 20th.

参加一个项目 会话信息 to find out more about our programs or email bachelor度@seanarothman.com.

Bachelor of Applied Science Degrees

A Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) degree builds on the knowledge and skills learned in the completion of an 大专文凭, allowing students to obtain bachelor-level credentials in specialized career fields. Designed with working professionals in mind, classes are offered online, or on an evening/weekend schedule.

Let TCC’s two-year bachelor’s degree programs give you the skills needed for higher paying positions in your current field or help you move into another career field. 


BAS 信息 Sessions


Held at 1:30pm on April 2 via 变焦.

CHP BAS Info Sessions 

Held at 2:30pm on March 20 via 变焦.



Held at 1:30pm on April 10 via 变焦.

ANDS BAS Info Sessions

Held at 1:30pm on April 9 via 变焦.


Evening BAS 信息 Sessions

When: Every Monday and Wednesday
Time: 5:00pm - 5:30pm  (Session will begin promptly at 5:00pm.)
地点: 变焦




Andrea Cobb, Program Navigator


Answers to commonly asked questions



Don't forget to apply for general admission to TCC.

的 application is free!


Image of campus commons